54 Yemeni Fishermen Released FromEritrean Prisons

News Agencies | 2023-11-19 10:38 PM UTC
54 Yemeni Fishermen Released FromEritrean Prisons


Fifty-four fishermen arrived in Al-Hudaydahprovince after months of kidnapping and torture in the prisons of the Eritrean authorities, the Houthi-run Saba News Agency said on Sunday. The Deputy Head of the Red Sea Fisheries Authority, Abdul Malik Sabra, said some of the fishermenreleased had been kidnapped for more than a year. He indicated that various types of torture and ill-treatment were practiced against the fishermen during their detention. The released fishermen said that the Eritrean Navy attacked them while they were fishing in the territorial waterway of the Republic of Yemen. They were assaulted and taken to prisons after their property and fishing equipment were looted and confiscated.


Israeli Air Force Commander Tomer Bar has stated that Tel Aviv had plans to launch attacks in Yemen. Bar said that the Air Force is ready to act across the Middle East in every required arena and place, according to Israeli media. The Israeli military official's statements came days after the Houthi forces in Yemen announced on Tuesday the launch of a batch of ballistic missiles at various Israeli targets. The Houthi group says the strikes against Israel will not stop as long as the Israeli army continues bombing Gaza. 


Dozens of suspected cholera and bacterial infection cases have been documented in Aden, Lahij, and Abyan, said health authorities. The authorities indicated that the affected individuals are African immigrants, including at least 30 cases of acute watery diarrhea (cholera) in Aden. Suspected cases from Lahij and Abyan have been reported without confirmation of cholera. A health source in Aden said thebacterial spread in various districts in the province is due to pollution and changing weather conditions. The overall health situation is causing concern in several Yemeni provinces. 


The head of the Presidential Leadership Council and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Rashad Al-Alimi, issued republican decrees on Saturday appointing leaders for the Second Military Region, the first and second Coastal Defense Brigades, and advisors to the Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior. Al-Alimi appointed Brigadier General Taleb Saeed Abdullah Barjash as the commander of the Second Military Region. General Faiz Mansour Qahtan was appointed an advisor to the Minister of Defense. He also appointed Colonel Farouk Abdulqawi as the commander of the First Coastal Defense Brigade and appointed Colonel Saeed Abdullah Yaslam Baqoud as the commander of the Second Coastal Defense Brigade. Captain Saeed Faraj Badaoui was appointed as the Chief of Staff of the Second Coastal Defense Brigade and appointed Brigadier General Salem Abdullah Al-Khunbashi as an advisor to the Minister of Interior.


The World Health Organization (WHO) said 31 babies have been safely transported from Shifa Hospital to another hospital in southern Gaza, reported the AP. The evacuation happened on Sunday, and the babies are to be transferred to a third hospital across the border in Egypt. They were among scores of critically ill and wounded patients stranded at Shifa after Israeli forces fought their way to the hospital and entered it last Wednesday.