A Source From Yemen's FM: Mission of Yemeni Diplomat Accused by Italy of Drug Trafficking Ended in 2019

Sheba Intelligence | 2023-10-05 11:46 AM UTC



A source from the Yemeni Foreign Ministry told Sheba Intelligence on Thursday that the employee who was investigated by the Italian authorities on drug trafficking charges no longer works at the Yemeni embassy in Rome, and his diplomatic mission ended in 2019.

Informed sources close to the Yemeni embassy in Rome confirmed that the former administrative attaché, Tariq Muhammad Hussein Hatem, who was investigated by the Italian authorities, is most likely still using a car with a diplomatic registration number belonging to the Yemeni embassy.

However, sources close to Hatem deny his presence in Italy, question the information's accuracy, and tell Sheba Intelligence that someone used his diplomatic car.

However, this narrative seems inaccurate because it contradicts the statements of Italian authorities that said the court's preliminary investigation judge issued a pretrial detention order for more than thirty defendants accused of forming an international drug trafficking and smuggling gangs, including a Yemeni diplomat. The diplomat is subject to investigation only due to the diplomatic immunity.

