A Southern Movement Defects from Separatists

News Agencies | 2023-09-06 07:32 PM UTC
A Southern Movement Defects from Separatists


The Supreme Council of the Revolutionary Movement (SCRM), a southern Yemeni political party, announced on Wednesday that it is dissolving its partnership with the Southern Transitional Council (STC), a rival party that controls much of southern Yemen. The SCRM accused the STC of not having a national southern vision, saying that the STC works for its own interests at the expense of the southern people. The end of the partnership is a major setback for the STC, which has been trying to establish itself as the legitimate representative of the southern people.



Yemeni President Rashad Al-Alimi warned the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group of the consequences of their military escalation, human rights violations, and the exacerbation of the world's worst humanitarian crisis. He urged government military leaders to be more vigilant and to confront the Houthi plans. He also affirmed the support and solidarity of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government with all the national forces and voices demanding freedom, justice, and decent living in the areas under the control of the Houthi group.


A delegation of senior US officials is in Saudi Arabia for a push on regional issues, including the war in Yemen, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Tuesday. President Joe Biden's adviser on Middle East affairs, Brett McGurk, is in Riyadh with Barbara Leaf, the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, and Tim Lenderking, Mr Biden's special envoy for Yemen, Mr Sullivan said. Mr Lenderking is back in the Gulf just two weeks after his last trip to the region, when he said he was heartened by progress made in the Yemen peace process.


Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed during a phone call to continue efforts to stabilize global energy markets on Wednesday, Saudi media reported. The two leaders discussed a number of topics of common interest including the 2023 BRICS summit.