Blinken and Al-Alimi Discuss Peace Process Revival

News Agencies | 2023-09-18 07:14 PM UTC
Blinken and Al-Alimi Discuss Peace Process Revival


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with the President of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, today, Monday, in New York, on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The U.S. Department of State spokesperson, Matthew Miller, stated, "Secretary Blinken and President Al-Alimi discussed their shared commitment to achieving a lasting end to the conflict in Yemen and alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people."


The forces of the "Security Belt" affiliated with the "Southern Transitional Council" in Yemen announced on Monday the thwarting of a smuggling operation of drone engines in the province of Lahij, southern Yemen, as they were on their way to areas controlled by the Houthi group. The "Security Belt" forces said in a statement that they had seized three vehicles carrying motorcycle engines used by the Houthi militia as engines for drones. Since their takeover of Sanaa in 2014, the Houthis have improved their military capabilities and begun manufacturing drones.


On Monday, local sources said unknown individuals blew up an oil pipeline and an oil well linked to the Safer oil facility east of Marib province. The fire in the pipeline has been controlled, and efforts are currently underway to control the fire in the oil well, according to the sources. No group so far has claimed responsibility for the attack. Authorities in Marib have not commented on this incident.


Saudi Arabia has condemned the storming of Al-Aqsa mosque by a group of extremists under Israeli forces' protection, the Saudi Press Agency reported early Monday. The kingdom said that these practices are a blatant violation of all international norms and conventions and a provocation to the feelings of Muslims around the world. Saudi Arabia reiterated its call on the international community to assume its responsibilities to end the Israeli escalation and exert efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Five U.S citizens left Doha for the U.S.S. after arriving in Qatar from Iran on Monday in a prisoner swap for five Iranians held in the United States and the transfer of $6 billion in Iranian funds in a rare deal between the long-time foes, news agencies reported. It was unclear whether the exchange might bring progress on the many issues that divide the two nations, including Iran's nuclear program, its support for regional Shiite militias, and U.S. sanctions on Iran.