British Destroyer Deployed to Gulf to Ensure Safe Flow of Trade Through Bab-el-Mandeb and Hormuz

News Agencies | 2023-11-30 08:15 PM UTC
British Destroyer Deployed to Gulf to Ensure Safe Flow of Trade Through Bab-el-Mandeb and Hormuz


On Thursday, Britain announced that it was sending one of its most advanced naval vessels to the Gulf to shore up its presence in the region. The HMS Diamond, a Type 45 destroyer, will conduct operations to ensure freedom of navigation, reassure merchant vessels and ensure the safe flow of trade, the defence ministry said. "It is critical that the UK bolsters our presence in the region to keep Britain and our interests safe from a more volatile and contested world," said Defence Secretary Grant Shapps. This move follows the seizure of an Israeli-linked cargo vessel by Iranian-backed Yemeni Huthis in the Red Sea on November 19. The British defense ministry said around 50 large merchant ships each day pass through the Bab-el-Mandeb, connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden, while around 115 major merchant ships pass through the Strait of Hormuz.


Yemen's Houthis have said that any US measures against the group would be considered a declaration of war, as fears widen that Israel's war on Gaza has hindered US and UN efforts toward a lasting peace deal in Yemen. In a televised speech on Yemen's Independence Day on Thursday, the head of the Supreme Political Council of the Houthi group, Mahdi Al Mashat, said that "any American escalation will not dissuade us from our principled position on the Palestinian issue and that any measure that harms the interests of our people will be tantamount to a declaration of war and will be dealt with on this basis." He called on Washington to make fundamental adjustments in its hostile behavior towards Yemen, as it does not serve peace in the region.


The UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, met on Thursday with Saudi Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman to discuss international efforts aimed at ending the war in Yemen. In a brief statement, Bin Salman said he and the UN envoy reviewed "the Kingdom's efforts to support peace and the roadmap between Yemeni parties." He added that the efforts aim to "reach a comprehensive political solution to end the Yemeni crisis under the supervision of the United Nations, achieving comprehensive peace and ensuring its sustainability." On Wednesday, the UN envoy concluded his visit to Oman, discussing peace efforts in Yemen with Omani officials and a delegation from the Houthi group in Muscat.


Visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday, emphasized the need to protect civilians in southern Gaza, where many have fled, the State Department said. Blinken "stressed the imperative of accounting for humanitarian and civilian protection needs in southern Gaza before any military operations there," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement, adding he "urged Israel to take every possible measure to avoid civilian harm."