Companies in Sanaa File Lawsuits Against Houthi Zakat Authority

News Agencies | 2023-09-17 07:18 PM UTC
Companies in Sanaa File Lawsuits Against Houthi Zakat Authority



Various commercial companies have filed lawsuits against the so-called "General Zakat Authority," the newly established Houthi body that imposes unlawful taxes on companies in the name of Zakat. A list of sessions in the Public Money Court in the capital city revealed that 16 companies have filed lawsuits against the  Zakat Authority in Sanaa. The Houthi group took over Sanaa in 2014 and toppled the Yemeni government in 2015. Since then, they have imposed new laws to help them accumulate money through tax collection.


Japan has granted $3 million in aid to Yemen to help repair damage to Aden's roads, according to media reports. Marino Ishibashi, charge d'affaires ad interim of the Embassy of Japan in Yemen, and Muhammad Usman Akram, representative and director of the UN Office for Project Services' operational hub in Amman, met in Saudi Arabia to discuss "The Project for the Rehabilitation of Aden's Intra-Urban Roads." The aim of the project is to repair roads that have been damaged by conflict and natural occurrences such as floods and torrential rains.


Iran's state media reported Sunday a member of Iran's Basij paramilitary force linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was shot dead during events falling on the anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death. Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, died in police custody on September 16, 2022 following her arrest for an alleged breach of the Islamic republic's strict dress code for women. Her death sparked months-long demonstrations, leaving hundreds of deaths and injuries during clashes between protestors and government forces.


Saudi official report said that authorities arrested 15,812 people in one week for breaching residency, work and border security regulations. The report indicated that 9,801 people were arrested for violations of residency laws, 3,804 were held over illegal border crossing attempts, and 2,207 for labor-related issues. The report showed that among the 827 people arrested for trying to enter the Kingdom illegally, 61 percent were Yemeni, 18 percent Ethiopian, and 21 percent were of other nationalities.


The Masam Project said Sunday it dismantled, during the second week of September 2023, 968 mines across Yemen. Since the beginning of the project, 415,494 mines have been removed. The parties to the conflict have planted thousands of landmines since the breakout of the war in 2015.