Deminers in Yemen Remove 2,894 Mines in October

News Agencies | 2023-10-30 09:09 PM UTC
Deminers in Yemen Remove 2,894 Mines in October


The Yemen Mine Clearance Project (MASAM) announced on Sunday that it had removed 688 mines, unexploded ordnance, and explosive devices in several Yemeni governorates during the past week. MASAM said in a statement that its demining teams removed ten anti-personnel landmines, 123 anti-tank mines, 553 unexploded ordnance items, and two explosive devices between October 21 and 27 of the current month. The demining teams have removed 2,894 mines, unexploded ordnance, and explosive devices since the beginning of October this year.The project indicated that the total number of landmines and explosives cleared since June 2018 has reached 419,997. The war in Yemen began in 2014, and thousands of landmines have been planted by the parties to the conflict.


The Supreme Security Committee in Aden discussed  Monday the national developments in Yemen and the need for enhancing security vigilance to confront the threats and risks posed by terrorist organizations, including Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The Committee held a meeting in Aden and was chaired by the Minister of Defense, Major General Mohsen Mohammed Aldhaheri.The Minister of Interior, Brigadier General Ibrahim Haydan, attended the meeting. The military and security officials discussed ways to enhance security vigilance to confront the threats and risks posed by terrorist organizations and combat the phenomenon of arms and drug smuggling. The issue of the illegal entry of African migrants was also discussed in the meeting.


On Monday, the National Army in Taiz announced the foiling of two Houthi infiltration attempts in Taiz province. A statement issued by the army on Taiz Front said pro-government forces thwarted a Houthi infiltration attempt in the northeast front of Taiz City. Another infiltration attempt in the Al-Mawasit district, south of Taiz, was also repelled. The Houthi group controls some districts in Taiz and keeps attempting to expand its military presence in the province.


Powerful explosions rocked the capital, Sanaa, causing panic among the population on Monday. Residents said the blasts shook the Hadda area and the southwestern regions of the city. Residents also heard explosions in Aiban Mountain, west of the capital. Pro-Houthi media activists speculated that these explosions might be a result of military exercises by the Houthi group, which has been controlling Sanaa and several provinces since 2014. The group has not issued any clarification so far.


Israeli troops and tanks pushed deeper into Gaza on Monday, freeing a soldier held captive by Hamas militants and advancing on two sides of the territory’s main city. The UN and medical staff warned that airstrikes have hit closer to hospitals where tens of thousands of Palestinians have sought shelter alongside thousands of wounded. The military said a female soldier captured during Hamas’ wide-ranging Oct. 7 attack inside Israel had been released during its ground operation — the first such rescue since the weekslong war began. The statement provided few details, but said Pvt. Ori Megidish “is doing well” and has met with her family.Hamas and other militant groups are believed to be holding some 240 captives, including men, women and children.