Deminers in Yemen Remove 746 Mines in One Week

News Agencies | 2023-10-17 01:07 AM UTC
Deminers in Yemen Remove 746 Mines in One Week


The demining Masam Project said that its field teams removed 746 landmines and unexploded ordnance in the second week of October, bringing the total cleared since the beginning of the month to 1,476. The Operations Room of the Masam Project stated in a press release that the field teams succeeded in clearing two anti-personnel mines, 113 anti-tank mines, 631 unexploded ordnance, and three explosive devices since the start of the current month. Since the beginning of the Masam Project at the end of June 2018, Masam teams have removed 418,579 landmines, unexploded ordnance, and improvised explosive devices planted haphazardly in several Yemeni provinces. The warring sides have planted thousands of landmines since the breakout of the war in 2015.


The United States of America has stressed the importance of the unity of the Presidential Leadership Council, which has experienced disagreements among its members due to the Southern Transitional Council since its establishment last year. This came during a meeting between Rashad Al-Alimi, the head of the Presidential Leadership Council, the head of the Southern Transitional Council, Aidarus Al-Zubaidi, and the U.S. Ambassador to Yemen, Steven Fagin. The meeting discussed political developments related to peace efforts and political settlement, the importance of the unity of the Presidential Leadership Council, and supporting regional efforts to achieve comprehensive peace under the auspices of the United Nations. This meeting comes two days after U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited Saudi Arabia and met with his counterpart Faisal bin Farhan, during which they affirmed their determination to secure a lasting peace in Yemen through a UN-sponsored Yemeni-Yemeni peace process.



The Head of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, discussed the latest Yemeni developments with the UAE Ambassador, including the comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis and the cessation of the war in the country, the state-run Saba News Agency reported. The meeting also discussed the Saudi negotiations with the Houthi group under the auspices of Oman. According to the agency, Al-Alimi praised the bilateral coordination and cooperation between Yemen and the UAE, commending the role of the UAE in supporting Yemen's UN-recognized government. 


Egypt has sent invitations to host an international regional summit aimed at addressing the recent developments relating to the Palestinian issue, the Presidency said Sunday in a statement. According to the statement, the government is intensifying communication with regional and international relief organizations to deliver the aid needed in the Gaza Strip, which included the resolutions reached after a meeting of the country's National Security Council. The Hamas-Israel conflict began on October 7 after Hamas fighters launched a surprise ground attack on Israel settlements bordering the Gaza Strip.


On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed concern about a "catastrophic increase" in civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip and the potential escalation of conflict between Israel and Hamas that could turn into a "regional war." The Kremlin reported that Putin expressed "serious concern about a broad escalation of hostile actions, accompanied by a catastrophic increase in civilian casualties and a worsening humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. The Kremlin stated that Putin discussed the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the leaders of Iran, Egypt, Syria, and the Palestinian Authority, stating that violence against civilians is unacceptable.