Floods Heighten the Risk of Landmines in Yemen

Sheba Intelligence | 2024-04-20 11:02 PM UTC



Several Yemeni provinces have seen heavy rains, causing floods and raising concerns about the repercussions of buried landmines in conflict-stricken areas.


Since Yemen’s civil war erupted in 2015, the parties to the conflict have planted thousands of landmines in multiple locations, including farms, deserts, mountains, roads, and buildings.


With floods hitting many Yemeni provinces, landmines will be swept away to safe areas, putting civilians and cattle in danger.


During the past years, landmine explosions occurred in areas that saw no military conflict. That happened because floods washed away the landmines to safe places.


Today, the Yemeni Landmines Observatory called for exercising more caution against mines and unexploded devices that are moved by floods into populated areas and displacement camps.


The Observatory called on civilians to inform the concerned authorities of any suspected object and educate children about the dangers of these objects.


  The Observatory called on travelers on main and alternative roads connecting the Yemeni provinces to take the highest degree of caution against the danger of mines and projectiles that floods uncovered.


It also urged farmers and shepherds to avoid touching any suspected objects that were swept away by floods onto farms and areas for grazing sheep, camels, and other livestock.


 Despite the continued demining efforts over the past years, clearing Yemen of all mines is still challenging.

The demining Project Masam said in January this year the project carried out 59 operations of mines and explosive demolition in 2023 across Yemen. The number of destroyed landmines and explosives was 47.204 throughout last year.


UN reports say that landmines and unexploded ordnance have significant economic and social effects on urban and rural territories in Yemen as they cause substantial development constraints.