Floods Hit Yemen's Hadramout and Al-Mahra

News Agencies | 2024-04-18 12:03 AM UTC
Floods Hit Yemen's Hadramout and Al-Mahra


Hadramout and Al-Mahra witnessed torrential rains, causing massive floods in the two provinces in South Yemen. The heavy rainfall caused significant property damage, sweeping away cars and destroying shops and homes, while no civilian casualties have been reported. Police patrols called on citizens and vehicle drivers to stay away from the areas where floods flow. Oman and the UAE have witnessed heavy rainfall, which caused the death of 12 citizens in Oman and one in Dubai, besides huge material losses. Extreme rainfall is becoming more common as the atmosphere warms due to human-driven climate change.


Traffic accidents during the Eid al-Fitr one-week holiday killed and injured 162 people in government-controlled provinces in Yemen, official sources said today. The General Administration of Traffic Police said that 17 people were killed and 145 others sustained various injuries as a result of traffic accidents that took place on the roads during the Eid al-Fitr holiday. According to traffic police, 142 traffic accidents occurred, 75 of which were vehicles colliding with each other, 46 accidents of running over pedestrians, and 21 vehicle capsizing accidents. The traffic police attributed the accidents to wrong overtaking, overloading, violating traffic laws and etiquette, distraction while driving, and the technical issues of vehicles and roads.


On Tuesday, a fire broke out in a camp for displaced people in Al-Wadi District in Marib province, northeast of Sana'a, destroying the shelters of five displaced families. According to local sources, another fire destroyed the shelter of a displaced family in the Al Dalil camp in the same district. The Executive Unit for the Management of Displaced Persons' Camps in Marib Governorate revealed in a report this month that 99 people have died or been injured in fire accidents in the displaced camps in Marib province since 2020. The Executive Unit attributed the causes of fire accidents to the random electricity connections, which caused electrical short circuits. The other reasons are the explosion of gas cylinders and the spread of fire into tents.


The United Nations Security Council is scheduled to vote Friday on a Palestinian request for full U.N. membership, said diplomats, a move that Israel ally the United States is expected to block because it would effectively recognize a Palestinian state. The 15-member council is due to vote at 3 p.m. (1900 GMT) Friday on a draft resolution that recommends to the 193-member U.N. General Assembly that "the State of Palestine be admitted to membership of the United Nations," diplomats said.