Houthi War Council Intensifies Efforts to Protect Commanders Against Potential Assassination Attempts

Sheba Intelligence | 2024-01-14 11:45 AM UTC


Sheba Intelligence has acquired preliminary information from a meeting convened by the Houthi Special War Council. According to intelligence sources, the council has compiled a list of retaliatory targets against the United States and the United Kingdom in response to the attacks on military zones and sites in Yemen under their control on January 12th. These attacks resulted in the death of a number of the Houthi fighters and the destruction of various targets across at least five Yemeni governorates.


Sources indicate that the Houthis attempted to gauge the readiness of international forces and comprehend the nature of the response by launching ballistic missiles after the attacks. Their aim was to identify the new rules of engagement more clearly. The U.S. response, by striking the radars at Al-Dailami Base sent a serious message to the Houthis. It conveyed that focusing on communication technologies, jamming, and radars implies that the targets will be addressed directly through complex technical information via satellites, not based on previously gathered information, as was known in the rules of engagement with the Arab-led coalition led by Saudi Arabia in previous wars.


According to the anonymous sources, the assessment of damages in the initial wave of the American-British attacks in the War Council is considered insignificant, with a capacity to absorb more considerable shocks However, there are serious concerns about the outcomes of any new qualitative attacks. Therefore, it has been recommended to take steps to deal with precise monitoring devices and advanced technologies of the United States and the United Kingdom, including satellites and communication devices. It is crucial to quickly find technical solutions and mechanisms for jamming satellites to avoid the detection of any military movements, in collaboration with experts from the Islamic Republic of Iran.


This development has led the War Council to discuss seriously a warning from a Gulf state about the possibility of Washington assassinating Houthi leaders if maritime attacks persist or if U.S. forces are harmed.


War Diplomacy

Among the outcomes of the War Council meeting are directives to the Foreign Ministry affiliated with the group – not internationally recognized – to condemn the American-British operation by communicating with international and UN organizations and foreign ministries of countries. The Houthis have also requested Iran's Foreign Ministry to contact countries opposing the United States in the region and establish communication channels with the Houthi armed group.


The War Council also suggests that Iranians communicate with their friends in the United States and Britain, particularly with progressive Democrats opposed to the attacks in Yemen, to increase pressure on the U.S. administration and halt their targeting. The Houthis fear that their retaliation against the American and British strikes might appear weak, leading to a loss of the popular momentum gained during the Israeli war with Gaza. Additionally, casualties among the U.S. and British forces could diminish the sympathy they gained in Europe and America during the Arab-led coalition's campaign led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.


Meanwhile, it appears that Oman, an ally of Iran, has initiated mediation efforts with the Americans and the British since the early days of this year to reach understandings to halt Houthi attacks and reduce escalation in the Red Sea.


Formation of the War Council

The Houthi War Council is believed to be led by the Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, with members closely associated with him and relatives responsible for intelligence and military apparatus, including two foreigners, one from Hezbollah and the other from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.


This council differs from the "formal" War Council, which includes defense, interior, intelligence ministers, and military leaders outside the Houthi family, established at the end of last December. However, information confirms that the special War Council relies on reports and assessments from the intelligence apparatus, the Ministry of Defense, and other government institutions controlled by the Houthi group. Additionally, there are internal institutions specific to the group that contribute to decision-making. There is also a communication mechanism with the "Resistance Axis" coordination council affiliated with Iran. Recently, the council has been notified of the details of their operations in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden through a Houthi representative attending coordination meetings in Lebanon. The Houthis have military representatives in Tehran connected to the leaders of the Revolutionary Guard to secure logistical support and establish new routes for smuggling weapons into Yemen.