Houthis Say Prevented Ships from Loading Gas in Aden

News Agencies | 2023-08-31 06:51 PM UTC
Houthis Say Prevented Ships from Loading Gas in Aden


Yemen's Ansar Allah (Houthi) group prevented two LPG carriers, including an India-flag and a Singapore-flag ship, from loading government-sold gas in Aden, Houthi-run media said on Wednesday. The group claimed to have stopped the shipments, citing concerns about the government profiting from high global gas prices during a domestic shortage. This action aligns with the Houthi's ongoing strategy to disrupt government oil and gas exports. Houthis say the government has no right to sell the oil and gas resources.


On Thursday, GCC Secretary General Jasem Albudaiwi arrived in Aden in South Yemen, marking the first visit by the group's head in eight years. In his meeting with Yemen's Foreign Minister Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak, Albudaiwi discussed the latest developments in the country's economy, government officials said. This visit comes as part of the regional and international to end the Yemen conflict. The civil war began in September 2014, when the Houthi group seized Sanaa and toppled the internationally recognized government.


 A new Kuwaiti ambassador to Yemen presented his credentials to Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, the head of the Presidential Council, at Al-Maashiq Palace in Aden. Al-Alimi welcomed Ambassador Al-Hajraf to Aden as the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the Republic of Yemen and assured him of providing all necessary support and facilitation to serve the relations between the two countries and peoples, said the state-run Saba news agency.


Yemen has signed an agreement with the United States to prevent the smuggling of artifacts, the Yemeni embassy in the United States said in a statement yesterday. According to the statement,  the agreement includes imposing restrictions on importing certain types of Yemeni archaeological and ethnological materials to protect Yemen's heritage, artifacts, and cultural properties and prevent their smuggling to the United States. According to media reports, the United States has repatriated 77 looted artifacts to Yemen, including dozens of ancient funerary stones.


Iran announced on Thursday that it thwarted a sabotage plot targeting a vital defense project, accusing the Israeli Mossad agency of being behind it, reported Iranian media outlets. The Iranian media said the country's intelligence agency confirmed that it has thwarted what it described as the "biggest sabotage attempt" that targeted the missile and space sector. Israel has carried out undeclared operations against critical Iranian facilities over the past years in light of its efforts to prevent Iran from manufacturing a nuclear bomb.