How Did Sheba Intelligence Uncover the Houthi Attack in the Red Sea Forty Days Before It Happened? (Video)

Sheba Intelligence | 2023-10-27 09:30 AM UTC

The Sheba Intelligence platform has access to exclusive information and sources that other news agencies and websites cannot reach. This is a distinguishing feature of this platform. Sheba Intelligence focuses on intelligence information and follows it up through its sources oropen sources.
Sheba Intelligence exposed the Houthi group’s preparation to carry out attacks in the Red Sea forty days prior to the launch of the missile assault. On Thursday, October 19, Washington admitted that the destroyer USS Carney had intercepted missiles and drones in the Red Sea, which it said were fired from Yemen.
For over a month, Sheba Intelligence has tracked all the Houthi movements that have a regional and international impact, especially the group’s plans to target international forces in the Red Sea or direct cross-border strikes targeting neighboring Gulf and regional countries.





1- At 7 a.m. GMT on September 9, Sheba Intelligence published a report revealing that the Houthis had hacked maritime communications to provide misleading information to ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.





2- At 2:15 pm GMT on September 30, a report by Sheba Intelligence revealed that the Houthi naval force received training in Al-Luhaya in Al-Hudaydah, off the coast of the Red Sea, on multiple and lightning naval missions. The report focused on the transfer of naval missiles and the operation of drones.



3- At four pm GMT on October 10, Sheba Intelligence published information confirming that the Houthis carried out a preventive strike on international forces in the Red Sea. The Houthi attack came after receiving information about an imminent strike targeting their missile capabilities.




4- At 5:30 a.m. GMT on October 17, two days before the United States announced that the destroyer USS Carney had intercepted missiles and drones in the Red Sea, Sheba Intelligence published an in-depth investigation, accompanied by a video, about the expected war between Iran and Israel in the Red Sea.

The investigation detailed the centers where the Houthis’ expected attacks would begin to target multiple targets, including American forces, Israel, the UAE, and Saudi and Yemeni facilities. The investigation relied on tracking the movement of the Houthis’ missile force and drones, the arrangement of their troops in the field, and their training and deploymentprograms.

The investigation identified Al-Luhaya in Al-Hudaydah and other coastal areas to target ships and forces in the Red Sea. The second center was the camps in Al-Bayda and Taiz, from which  Houthi attacks can hit Bab Al-Mandab and Yemeni ports, camps, and government facilities in the south. The Al-Jawf center may be used to target the UAE, and the Saada center can be used to target Saudi Arabia and Israel. The capital, Sana’a, center is used for training, manufacturing, and maintenance of weapons, and different targets can be attacked from there.



5- On September 19, the U.S. Army announced that the destroyer USS Carney had intercepted missiles and drones originating in Yemen, and at 8:30 pm GMT, Sheba Intelligence published a report and revealed how the Houth civilian and military leaders began to move from their routine places as they expected retaliation from the U.S.




6- Sheba Intelligence continued to follow the Houthis’ military movements and published two reports on October 21 and 23, indicating that the group was preparing for an all-out war. They have spread militarily on all fronts and strengthened their forces to launch strikes inside Yemen, in the Red Sea and cross-border attacks.





7- A Sheba Intelligence report on October 17 revealed likely attacks on the Saudi border and revealed the existence of an operations room with foreign experts in the Al-Malahidh. On October 24, the Houthis attacked  Aldood Mountain, which is less than 2 kilometers away from Al-Malahidh.




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