How the Gaza-Israel War Paved the Way for a Conflict Between Yemen's Houthis and U.S.-U.K. Coalition

Sheba Intelligence | 2024-01-14 11:10 AM UTC


The Gaza-Israel war, which broke out on October 7 of last year, sparked a conflict between Yemen's Ansar Allah (Houthi) group and Western powers, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom.


When the Houthi group began firing missiles and drones at Israel two weeks after the breakout of the Gaza-Israel war, the U.S. started to augment its warships in the Red Sea to help protect Israel against the Houthi attacks.


The Houthis escalated their operations and began attacking the Israeli-linked ships in the Red Sea. On November 19, they seized the Israeli-linked ship Galaxy Leader, sparking international worry about the security of the shipping lanes in the Red Sea.

 The U.S. and other countries began deploying more warships and frigates to protect shipping lines. However, that did not help stop the Houthi attacks, and ships continue to face serious dangers.


On December 31, the Houthis and U.S. forces engaged for the first time in a direct clash. Ten Houthi fighters were killed after a U.S. strike sank their three boats. That deadly confrontation opened the path to a fresh conflict in the region.


As escalations unfolded over the past three months, Sheba Intelligence has covered the important military activities and movements in Yemen and the Red Sea. It revealed the Houthi preparations for war, the mobilization of forces, and the armaments of the multinational coalition in the Red Sea. The sources of Sheba Intelligence expected several developments, including the U.S. airstrikes on the Houthis in Yemen.


The important reports that Sheba Intelligence  has run can be recapped. The titles and links to the reports are provided below.



Sources: An Imminent Strike to Target Houthi Missile Force


A Yemeni intelligence source expected attacks by the Houthi group against international forces in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The source told Sheba Intelligence, "The Houthis have information about an imminent strike that might be carried out by foreign forces targeting the group's missile force, and they are preparing to carry out pre-emptive strikes."



The Iran-Israel War in Bab Al-Mandab


What role will Iran assign to the Houthis in Yemen if they will participate in the Al-Aqsa Flood War?

Sheba Intelligence has monitored the movements of the Houthi missile force and drones as part of the war scenarios that may start in Yemen under the pretext of confronting the United States and Israel. The report revealed the different centers in Yemen from which the Houthi group could engage in the war against foreign forces.



Houthi Maneuvers Ongoing in Anticipation of All-Out War


The Ansar Allah (Houthi) group launched maneuvers in several territories in anticipation of an all-out war with pro-government Yemeni forces, neighboring countries, and Israel and America, informed sources told Sheba Intelligence on Saturday. The Houthi group's maneuvers and preparation for war came in light of the rising tensions in the region as the Israel-Hamas war kept escalating.



What Is the Backbone of the Houthi Air Force Capabilities?



A report revealed the capabilities of the Houthi air force,  exposing details and facts about the Houthi drone capabilities and how Iran assisted in boosting the Houthi strength in this regard. The report tracked the technical and operational specifications of drones owned by the Houthi group based on exclusive information from within the group.




How Did Sheba Intelligence Uncover the Houthi Attack in the Red Sea Forty Days Before It Happened?


The Sheba Intelligence had access to exclusive information and sources that other news agencies and websites could not reach.  Sheba Intelligence exposed the Houthi group's preparation to carry out attacks in the Red Sea forty days prior to the launch of the missile assault. On Thursday, October 19, Washington admitted that the destroyer USS Carney had intercepted missiles and drones in the Red Sea, which it said were fired from Yemen.


Sources: Houthi Rejection to Release Israeli-Linked Ship Will Invite International Military Action



Intelligence sources told Sheba Intelligence that an imminent strike by international forces, possibly American, will be carried out in the coming hours if the Houthis do not release the Israeli-linked ship Galaxy Leader that was seized on November 19.  The source indicated that the strike may hit important Houthi military sites inside and around the capital, Sana'a, in addition to the naval operations rooms in the coastal areas, especially in the ports of Al-Hudaydah, Al-Salif, Al-Luhaya, and Kamaran Island.



Yemen's Houthis Deploy Defensive Systems to Fend off Potential Israeli-American Retaliatory Attacks



Sources in the Houthi group told Sheba Intelligence that they do not rule out Israeli or American retaliatory attacks in response to the missiles and drones the group fired at Israel over the past few days. The sources confirmed that the Houthi forces began deploying defensive systems in several areas expected to be targeted, especially coastal and border areas from which the group fired the missiles and drones. Sheba Intelligence obtained information about the Houthi group's installation of a radar network in the mountains surrounding the capital, Sana'a.



Yemen's Houthi Missile Capabilities


The report will dig deep into the Houthis' missile capabilities. It answered important questions: What types of missiles do the Houthis possess? What is the range, length, speed, accuracy, type of fuel, guidance system, missile weight, explosive warhead, and the original version of the missile? How did the Houthis obtain ballistic missiles? Who helped them develop and maintain the missiles so their ranges and explosive capacity would be bigger? Who runs the Houthi missile system?



Source: The Iranian Khordad Air Defense System Was Used to Down the American Drone Off Yemen Coast



An intelligence source revealed to Sheba Intelligence the identity of the weapon that shot down the American MQ-9 Reaper drone off the coast of Yemen on Wednesday. 


The source said the Houthi group obtained the Iranian Khordad-3 Air Defense System six months ago, and it was smuggled to a Red Sea coast, where the Houthi authorities have a presence. The location of the Khordad-3 System remains unknown. However, according to informed sources, foreign military experts supervising the Khordad-3 System moved recently between Al-Saleef, Al-Luhayah, and Kamaran Island in Al-Hudaydah.


Yemen's Houthis Step up Defense Systems in Sanaa Amdist Their Continued Threats of Ships in the Red Sea and Assualts on Marib


Sources told Sheba Intelligence that the Houthi group installed Katyusha missile launch pads and deployed vehicles carrying self-propelled artillery. Other vehicles carried a large number of fighters in the Mansam area in Al-Bayda, south of Marib. From Mansam area, the group can launch military operations in Harib, Al-Abdiyah, and the southern fronts of Marib, in addition to Mukayras and Al-Zahir in Al-Bayda.


Houthis Establish Military Bases on Islands Near International Waters


Sheba Intelligence obtained intelligence information confirming that the Houthi group has established naval military bases on the Yemeni islands near international waters. The information, conveyed by a Yemeni military source, indicates that the Houthis have been able to establish a permanent military presence on the strategic islands of Kamaran and Antufash and are operating boats in the eastern region, opposite international waters, a move which increases the risks to international shipping lanes off Yemen.


Naval Mines Threaten International Shipping Lanes in Red Sea



With the start of Houthi naval operations against Israeli ships in international shipping lanes in the Red Sea, this report monitors the capabilities and operations of the Houthis that threaten international shipping lanes.




Intelligence War in the Red Sea



The report illustrated how the pace of the information war between American and Iranian intelligence in the Red Sea escalated after the Houthis seized the Israeli-linked ship and threatened American and British ships in the international shipping lanes.



Yemen's Houthis Employ Gunboats to Deepen Presence in Red Sea



The Houthis have used gunboats in their naval attacks. These boats are either self-driving suicide boats or attack boats carrying personnel and missiles. There are other boats employed for various reconnaissance and intelligence operations. This report attempts to find out the Houthis' maritime capabilities, especially the gunboats.




Oman Advises Houthis to Deescalate Attacks on Shipping Lanes in Red Sea



Oman advised the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group to deescalate attacks on international shipping lanes in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, warning them that continuing to attack ships would harm their interests and the interests of the region and the world, Informed Sources told Sheba Intelligence.



U.S., U.K. and Israel Weigh the Scale of Potential Military Operations in Yemen



International discussions on maritime security in the Red Sea ended in two agreed-upon measures. The first measure is launching a military strike against the Houthi group over its attacks on cargo ships, and the second is forming an international coalition to protect international shipping lanes, sources told Sheba Intelligence.




Yemen's Houthis Deploy Defense System and Train Naval Forces in Preparation for Potential War With International Coalition



The  Houthi group trained its special forces in a camp 15 km from Al-Hudaydah port to carry out attacks in the Red Sea under the supervision of Iranian experts and senior leaders in the Houthi naval forces, informed sources told Sheba Intelligence on Monday. The sources indicated that the Houthis, in conjunction with the escalation of attacks in the Red Sea, are deploying more drones and missiles in Al-Jawf on the border with Saudi Arabia. Lately, missile and drone launch pads were transferred from Amran province to Wadi Al-Khard in the Al-Matma area of Al-Jawf province.



Yemen's Houthi Military Capabilities in the Red Sea Battle


The continued attacks by the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group on ships in the Red Sea have prompted several countries, including the U.S. and the U.K. to deploy more warships to help protect commercial vessels in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The U.S. declared the formation of a joint task force seeking to guard the shipping lanes in the Red Sea. If a naval battle between the two sides breaks out, the Houthis have sufficient and diverse weapons that can cause a serious headache for the U.S. and its partners in the Red Sea. Over the past few months, Sheba Intelligence has covered the military movements of the Houthi group and the types of weapons they have developed and accumulated over the past years.




Iran Gives Yemen's Houthis Green Light to Target American Warships in Red Sea



As the American naval forces are expected to hit the Ansar Allah (Houthi) sites in Yemen over the group's attacks on shipping lanes in the Red Sea, Iran has given the green light to the Houthi group to attack American

warships directly, informed sources told Sheba Intelligence.



A Timeline of Attacks on Ships in Red Sea and Yemen-Originated Strikes on Israel Over the Past 70 Days



Sheba Intelligence presents a timeline of attacks carried out by Yemen's Houthis on Israeli-linked ships and territories in Israel since October.



Three Houthi Boats Sink in Red Sea, Armed Crewmen Killed in U.S. Airstrikes


Four Houthi boats attempted on Sunday to seize container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU in the Red Sea, ending up in the drowning of three of the boats and killing its crews after exchanging fire with the U.S. forces, the U.S. Central Command said. 



The Armaments of the U.S.-Led Multinational Coalition in Red Sea

2024-01-01 1


This report illustrates the multinational coalition's military capabilities in the Red Sea as it prepares for a war against the Houthi group.


Yemen's Houthis Adopt a New Mobilization Strategy to Confront the U.S. in Red Sea


The Ansar Allah (Houthi) group launched a new strategy that is compatible with what it calls "the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood." Sources from the group told Sheba Intelligence that under this strategy, many changes were made, including linking mobilization to the group's officials in every geographical area.




Sources: A Military Operation Against the Houthis Expected to Commence After the 'Final Warning'



The sources confirmed that Washington, London and other countries are planning to launch a military operation targeting the Houthi command and control headquarters of maritime operations. The sources indicated that the targets include depots and missile and drone launch pads, which means that it will strike targets in the ports of Al-Hudaydah, Al-Salif, Al-Luhayah, and several islands, including Kamaran Island. The sources did not rule out strikes on military centers, headquarters, and missile stores in the capital, Sanaa, and other areas where the group is active and from which it sends its missiles, such as Saada, Al-Jawf, Hajjah, Taiz, and the mobilization camps in Al-Bayda, Dhamar, and other areas.



"Popular Flood Army": A New Houthi Force



This report revealed a new army in the Houthi-controlled area, which is equivalent to the existing army.


Preparations in Yemen to Attack American Battleships in Red Sea with Russian Missiles


The Ansar Allah (Houthi) group obtained 300 Russian-made naval missiles, military sources told Sheba Intelligence. The sources did not specify how these missiles arrived, whether directly from their Russian exporter or through smuggling with support from Iran. The information said that the Houthi group has the intention to use the Russian missiles to target American military warships in the Red Sea.


Washington Refuses to Share Its Offensive Plan With Gulf Allies and Sends New Warning Messages to Yemen's Houthis


Informed sources from the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group told Sheba Intelligence that the group leadership received two warning letters from Qatar and Oman, confirming that the Americans are serious about carrying out a military operation unless the escalation in the Red Sea stops. Diplomatic and military sources told Sheba Intelligence that Washington refused to share the plan for the potential attacks on Houthis with its regional allies.



U.S. and U.K. Strike Six-Houthi-Controlled Provinces in Yemen


American and British forces targeted military centers belonging to the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group in Yemen early Friday. The strikes hit over 15 military sites in six Houthi-controlled provinces.  Field sources told Sheba Intelligence that the strikes targeted missile and drone launch centers, radar systems and mobilization camps in Sanaa, Al-Hudaydah, Sa'ada, Dhamar, Hajjah and Taiz.