Iran-Led Operations Room Opened in Sanaa

Sheba Intelligence | 2023-10-29 06:03 PM UTC


Iran will transform Yemen into an advanced operations room to carry out attacks and place the Red Sea and the Gulf under its influence, sources in Yemen and the Gulf states told Sheba Intelligence. 

The sources said Tehran is keen to exploit the Israel-Gaza war and boost its influence in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf.


Sheba Intelligence obtained information about the recent arrival of 100 experts from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah in Sana’a. A joint operations room was prepared at the US Embassy in Sana’a, and it brings together the leadership of the missile force, drones, air defense, coastal defense, and intelligence.


The sources said that the group has lately deployed missiles and drones in several coastal and border areas. According to the sources, the control rooms that manage these missiles and drones are in tall buildings in the capital, Sanaa. The buildings have tunnels that connect themunderground. The tunnels contain special workshops for the control systems of missiles and drones.


Meanwhile, the Houthi group launched a jihad program to attract fighters under the pretext of confronting Israel, residents in Sanaa said. The program includes intellectual mobilization, which continues for a month. The suitable persons will be selected for practical training on various types of weapons and will be sent to critical front lines, including the Saudi-Yemen border front, to carry out attacks targeting Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. Other fighters will be deployed to Yemen’s West Coast to launch attacks in the Red Sea, Bab Al-Mandab, and Mocha. 

Moreover, some Houthi fighters will be tasked with carrying out attacks on government forces and interests in Aden, Hadramaut, Shabwa, Marib, Taiz, and Al-Dhalea.


The Israel-Gaza conflict began on October 7 when Hamas fighters launched a surprise attack on Israeli settlements bordering Gaza. The war has killed over 7000 Gazans and at least 1400 Israelis, and it is set to continue.