Israeli Official Reveals the Precise Number of Houthi Missiles and Drones Fired at Israel

Sheba Intelligence | 2023-11-09 01:46 PM UTC


Israel has revealed the number of Houthi attacks aimed at Israeli sites since the beginning of the Gaza-Israel war on October 7. 


The Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, sent a letter, dated November 6, 2023, to the United Nations, urging the international body to condemn the Houthi "illegal attacks that threaten the security of Israel and the stability of the entire region." 


According to Erdan, the Houthi group launched nine missiles and 39 drones on October 19, 27, 31, and November 1. 


The letter obtained by Sheba Intelligence pointed out that the Houthis fired five cruise missiles and 30 Samad-3 drones on October 19 and a Toofan cruise missile and two drones on October 27. Moreover, the Houthi group launched three cruise missiles and a drone. On November, they fired 4 to 6 drones with the aim of hitting objects in Israel. 


The Houthi group in Yemen fired on Monday a fresh barrage of drones and missiles at Israel as the Gaza-Israel war enters the second month. That was the second time in a week the Houthis officially declared their responsibility for attacking Israel with drones and missiles in support of Palestinian fighters in Gaza.

 The Houthi group is part of the anti-Israel "axis of resistance", which includes Iran-backed groups in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Though the group continues to fire missiles and drones at Israel, a military expert told Sheba Intelligence the Houthi drones and missiles either fall into the sea or are intercepted, which means that they cannot cause substantial destruction in Israel or pose a threat to the Israeli army.