New Houthi Centers for Launching Drone and Missile Attacks

Sheba Intelligence | 2024-02-17 09:20 AM UTC



The Ansar Allah (Houthi) group, classified by the United States as a terrorist organization, is preparing to activate new centers to launch parallel strikes on international forces in the Red Sea and attacks on camps belonging to the Yemeni government in Al-Dhale province to the south of Yemen, sources told Sheba Intelligence today.


The sources indicated that the Houthis moved missile launch platforms in the Bilad al-Rus area in Sanaa, a move aimed at making use of missiles that were amassed in that area during the regime of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.


According to the sources, missile vehicles were moved in Qa' Alhakl in Bilad Al-Rus, which is about 155 km away from Al-Hudaydah, 290 km from Bab al-Mandab, and 485 km from the Gulf of Aden.


At the same time, a team specialized in launching drones, including experts from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, arrived in areas in Al-Dhale province, and the Houthi group began deploying reconnaissance teams to assess the capabilities of the Yemeni government's national army in preparation for an attack on locations in Qataba in Al-Dhale.


The Houthi military experts installed a control system for drones and deployed drones to collect information about the national army camps.


The Yemeni group continues attacking the shipping lanes in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, saying that their attacks are in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, which Israel bombed and invaded over the past few months.


The Houthi group announced today, Saturday, that it had targeted a British oil ship, "Pollux," in the Red Sea with a large number of naval missiles.

The group's military spokesman, Yahya Saree, said in a brief statement on the X-platform that his group's naval forces targeted the British oil ship "Pollux" yesterday, and the hit was "accurate and direct".


Security agencies and a US official said a missile fired from Yemen damaged a Panama-flagged tanker off the coast in the Red Sea on Friday.


A US State Department spokesperson said a missile fired from Yemen "struck the port side of the India-bound, Panamanian-flagged MT Pollux, which was carrying crude oil."


Security firm Ambrey said the Panama-flagged tanker "sustained minor damage" in the missile strike northwest of the Yemeni coastal city of Mocha.


Yesterday, the US formally redesignated Yemen's Houthis as "terrorists" over their attacks on shipping in the Red Sea. The designation is part of a broader effort by the US to stop  Houthi attacks on the vital shipping route through the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.


The Houthi group intensified its attacks on government forces in Taiz, Marib, and Saada over the past few days. In Marib, Colonel Yasser Ali Al-Somai, a military commander in Al-Balq front of Marib, was lately killed in a Houthi attack. In Sa'ada, three soldiers were killed in an attack on military sites of government forces in Baqim. Abdullah Abdul Hafez Al-Faqih, son of the head of the Executive Office of Islah in Taiz, was killed, and three others were wounded by Houthi bombing.


An explosion targeted the car of a Chairman of the Supreme Security Committee of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Major General Ahmed Hassan, in Aden, killing his son. The information minister in the Yemeni government accused the Houthi group of engineering the blast.