Political Disputes Destablize Security in Hadramout (Video)

Sheba Intelligence | 2023-10-03 07:38 PM UTC


Political disputes between the present governor of Hadramout, Mabkhout bin Madi, and the former governor, a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Faraj Al-Bahsani, have affected the security situation in the province and led to the spread of gangs that created chaos and committed crimes, security sources told Sheba Intelligence on Tuesday.

Bin Madi said the security forces in Al-Mukkala of Hadramout province launched today a security campaign to capture “wanted persons and outlaws” to enhance security in the province. Three soldiers were injured in a clash during the today’s operation.

Bin Madi added that the leadership of the province was careful not to storm areas out of concern for the safety of the people, but some individuals went too far in blocking roads and disturbing the peace in society.

The governor admitted that some of those who were arrested today were not involved in any criminal activities, and they will be released.

Yemeni social media and rights activists have slammed this campaign, saying that the raids terrified women and children in their homes.

A video was circulated on social media platforms, showing a heavily armed soldier who broke into a room where children were screaming and crying. The father, Mujahid Al-Haiqi, a human rights activist, was captured, leaving behind his children in tears and trauma. Eight family members were also detained, according to local sources in Hadramout.

Social media activists and political analysts reckon it was Al-Nukhba Al-Hadramiah, a separatist military force financed and armed by the United Arab Emirates, that broke into citizens’ homes.

Separatist forces, led by the Southern Transitional Council, have established a considerable presence in the oil-rich Hadramout since last year. So far, they have not taken over the entire province but have managed to augment their military and political influence there. Hadramout and Al-Mahra are the only southern provinces the STC has not seized.