Introducing Yemeni Music to the World ( Video )

Sheba Intelligence | 2023-10-04 12:49 PM


The “Yemeni Heritage Symphonies” concert concluded Tuesday in the French capital, Paris, after two days of playing diverse and authentic Yemeni Music, conveying a message of peace to the world.

Seventy musicians from Yemen and other countries participated in the concert, led by Yemeni maestro Muhammad Al-Ghoom.

The Hadhramaut Culture Foundation organized the concert in cooperation with the Yemeni Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism and the Yemeni Embassy in Paris. This event happens within the Heritage Symphonies Project.

The orchestral concert is held on the stage of the Théâtre Mogador in Paris. Ten melodies of Music inspired by Yemeni lyrical and musical arts were presented, including a melody that combines Yemeni and French colors.

Al-Ghoom said the “Yemeni Melody in Paris” concert is a message of art and peace to the world and aims to enhance cultural rapprochement between Yemen, France, and the world.

Two previous concerts were organized in Kuala Lumpur and Cairo in 2019 and 2021. The Hadhramaut Culture Foundation seeks to shed light on Yemeni arts and highlight a different image of the country whose people aspire to peace and turn the page on war and conflict.