A Call for Preparing for War in Yemen

Sheba Intelligence | 2024-06-24 04:20 PM


The war in Yemen is set to break out anew as the parties to the conflict prepare to launch a new cycle of hostilities. A memorandum issued this week by the Ministry of Defense in the Yemeni government directed the army forces to raise combat readiness on all frontlines.

The Defense Ministry ordered various military units to "exercise caution and high vigilance and confront any hostile actions" by the Houthi group.  

The memorandum indicated that the Houthis' plan aims to assault the Karesh Frontline in Lahj province, control the Al-Ahkoum-Al-Dhabab-Jabal Habashi road, and head to the western coast.

It also revealed that the Houthi group plans a surprise attack targeting army forces' positions in the Marib and Taiz provinces.

Military sources said yesterday that the National Army forces thwarted a Houthi infiltration attempt in the Kalaba area northeast of Taiz.

The government-run Saba News Agency quoted a military source as saying, "The Houthi group targeted, with an RPG shell, on Sunday afternoon, army positions in the Wadi Salah area, and targeted, with medium weapons and mortar shells, army positions in the Al-Karifat area, east of Taiz City.

Over the past few months, the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group has mobilized thousands of fighters in areas under its control. It has also launched attacks on its opponents on multiple frontlines and conducted military maneuvers in provinces under its control.

Thousands of popular fighters have been trained in several Houthi-controlled provinces to use light and medium weapons, attack opponents, and prevent reinforcements from reaching enemy forces, besides reconnaissance, shooting, and sniping. The Houthi group has also conducted military exercises in Sanaa, Al-Baydha, Dhamar, Sanaa, and Amran.

On Saturday, the Houthi group announced that they laid to rest a "group of martyrs" who were killed on the frontlines while "performing their duty". Such an announcement indicates the group's continued attempt to gain ground by force.

Meanwhile, the Houthi attacks on shipping lanes in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden continue unabated. Spokesperson of the Houthi armed forces Yahya Saree said they targeted two ships in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean in "support of the Palestinian people" and in response to the Israeli war on Gaza.

According to the statement, the attack directly hit the Transworld Navigator ship in the Red Sea with a drone boat, causing it damage. Another attack hit STOLT SEQUOIA ship in the Indian Ocean with several winged missiles, he said.

According to senior U.S. military commanders, the Houthis have learned how to modify old weapons and manufacture new ones, becoming the first group to use anti-ship ballistic missiles to strike naval targets.

With the Houthi capability to modify and produce weapons and mobilize fighters, the group is ready to keep launching attacks on shipping lanes off Yemen and engage in a ground war.