A Russian-Iranian-Omani Project to Invest in Yemen's Oil and Gas Risks Renewing the War

A Russian-Iranian-Omani Project to Invest in Yemen's Oil and Gas Risks Renewing the War

    Russia, Irani, and Oman seek to invest in Yemen's oil and gas, and this might encourage the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group to accelerate a military operation to control Safer in Marib, Balhaf in Shabwa, and all oil and gas fields and pipelines between them, sources told Sheba Intellige...

Houthis Greenlight Passage for Chinese and Russian Ships to Israel as Moscow Bolsters Military Ties

Houthis Greenlight Passage for Chinese and Russian Ships to Israel as Moscow Bolsters Military Ties

  An intelligence source told Sheba Intelligence that Russia has bolstered its military ties with the Houthi group. Russian experts have arrived in Yemen to supervise naval operations against US forces alongside experts from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard present there. The sourc...

What is the Link Between Houthis' Claim of Possessing Hypersonic Missiles and Russian Involvement in Red Sea Battle?

What is the Link Between Houthis' Claim of Possessing Hypersonic Missiles and Russian Involvement in Red Sea Battle?

  On March 14, the Russian "Novosti" news agency quoted a military source close to the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group in Yemen that the group conducted a test of a hypersonic missile that runs on solid fuel and that it will be used in attacks on the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, th...

Preparations in Yemen to Attack American Battleships in Red Sea with Russian Missiles

Preparations in Yemen to Attack American Battleships in Red Sea with Russian Missiles

    The Ansar Allah (Houthi) group has obtained 300 Russian-made naval missiles, military sources told Sheba Intelligence on Monday. The sources did not specify how these missiles arrived, whether directly from their Russian exporter or through smuggling with support from Iran...

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