Socotra: A Wonder Land Lacking Accessible  Internet Service

Sheba Intelligence | 2024-04-15 06:08 AM UTC


Much has been said and written about Yemen's Socotra Island's exotic and beautiful nature. Little is known about the Island's population's ordeals. Today, people in Socotra have no easy Internet access, and it is a service that only the rich can afford.

A local official in Socotra said in a recent statement to a Yemeni media outlet that the telecommunications service in Socotra province is "very poor," as there is no local company offering this service except for Yemen Mobile, which did not provide 3G and 4G Internet service.

While media reports have focused on the natural beauty of the Island, the official said the reality on Socotra Island is very different. "The Island lacks services, particularly telecommunications, health and education," the official said.

Last year, the UAE company "NX" began providing telecommunications and Internet service to the Island. However, residents of the Island say the service fee is high. The monthly internet package costs 49 UAE dirhams, and the three-month call and internet package costs 200 UAE dirhams, roughly equivalent to 80000 Yemeni riyals.

Given its strategic importance in the Indian Ocean, the Yemeni rivals and foreign forces have competed to establish their presence on Socotra. However, prioritizing the improvement of services appears low on their agenda. 

In February, forces aligned with the UAE took control of a camp allied with Saudi Arabia in Socotra. Government sources told Sheba Intelligence that UAE-backed troops had seized the First Marine Brigade camp, detaining commanders. The development sparked tension between the UAE-aligned forces and Saudi troops supporting the Presidential  Leadership Council.

In June 2020, southern separatists seized control of Socotra, deposing its governor and driving out the forces of the Saudi-backed government. No improvement in services, including telecommunications, has been seen since then.