Source: Yemen's Houthis Tested a Hypersonic Missile

Sheba Intelligence | 2024-03-14 01:38 PM UTC


The Russian Novosti news agency quoted a military source close to Yemen's Ansar Allah (Houthi) group that the group has tested a hypersonic missile amid its continued preparation for a long war with the American and British forces in the Red Sea.

The source said that the Houthi missile force had tested a missile, which he said was operating on solid fuel, and that its speed was Mach 8 (about 10,000 kilo meters per hour).

According to the source, there is a Houthi intention to launch its production for use in attacks in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Aden and to target sites in Israel.

The source pointed out that the Houthi forces developed their missiles and drones to increase their range after three months of experiments.

On Thursday, Houthi movement chief Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said that his forces continue developing their military capabilities and that everyone will see "the level of achievements of strategic importance that place our country in its capabilities among a few countries in this world."

Informed sources told Sheba Intelligence in January this year that the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group has obtained 300 Russian-made naval missiles.


The sources did not specify how these missiles arrived, whether directly from their Russian exporter or through smuggling with support from Iran.

The sources said that the Houthi group has the intention to target American military warships in the Red Sea.

Late last month, Al-Houthi said he would introduce military "surprises" in their Red Sea operations."Our military operations will continue and advance, and we have surprises that our enemies will not expect at all," Al-Houthi said.

 Houthis have repeatedly launched drones and missiles against international commercial shipping since mid-November, saying they are acting in solidarity with Palestinians against Israel's military actions in Gaza, where Israel has killed over 30000 people.

 Their Red Sea attacks have disrupted global shipping and, forced firms to re-route to longer and more expensive journeys around southern Africa, and stoked fears that the Israel-Hamas war could spread to destabilize the Middle East.