Southern Separatists Clash with Protestors in Aden

News Agencies | 2023-08-27 07:53 PM UTC
Southern Separatists Clash with Protestors in Aden



Local sources said armed clashes broke on Sunday between the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) fighters and protestors in Al-Mansoura district of Aden to the south of Yemen. Protests in Aden have continued since last week, calling for an end to the electricity crisis in the city. The STC has controlled Aden since 2019 amidst continued deteriorating public services.


The Executive Unit for Displaced Camps Management said on Sunday more than 70 shelters for displaced individuals, accommodating over 70 families, were engulfed in flames in the Al-Gafina displacement camp. The fire destroyed the properties of the displaced families. No deaths or injuries were reported.


The Chinese Ministry of Defense announced that the 3rd Peace and Security Forum with Africa will commence tomorrow, Monday, with the attendance of Defense Minister Li Changfu. The event is scheduled to run until September 2nd. The ministry mentioned that Li Changfu, who is subject to American sanctions due to his military cooperation with Russia, is set to deliver a significant speech during the forum.


Ten government soldiers were killed on Sunday in an attack by the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group on the border between Al-Beidha and Lahj, according to military officials. Since 2014, the war in Yemen between the government and the Houthis has killed hundreds of thousands directly and indirectly, leaving most of the population dependent on aid to survive.


An international network specialized in tracking famine worldwide has warned of Yemen's worsening food security crisis, affirming that the crisis will become "severe" in the coming months. The "Famine Early Warning Systems Network" (FEWS NET) predicted in a recent report that the percentage of Yemen's population in need of urgent food assistance will range from 50% to 55% by February 2024, which is over 17 million people. It has been nine years since Yemen slid into a civil war.