Turkey Welcomes Yemen Peace Negotiations in Riyadh

News Agencies | 2023-09-21 07:07 PM UTC
Turkey Welcomes Yemen Peace Negotiations in Riyadh


Turkey welcomed the Yemen-related talks in Riyadh and renewed its call on the Yemeni parties to engage constructively in the peace process to ensure a lasting solution to the conflict that has been ongoing for nine years. This Turkish Foreign Ministry expressed appreciation for the talks hosted by Saudi Arabia, mediated by Oman, aimed at advancing the peace process in Yemen. "We welcome the talks hosted by Saudi Arabia in Riyadh with the participation of Oman aimed at advancing the peace process in Yemen, and call on all parties to constructively support the peace process to achieve a lasting solution in Yemen," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


President of the Presidential Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, warned against any slackness from the international community or neglecting the legal status of the state of Yemen. He also emphasized the importance of committing to the three references to solving the Yemen conflict. The three references are the UN Security Council resolution, the Gulf Initiative, and the outcomes of the Yemeni National Dialogue Conference. He added that treating the Houthi group as a de facto authority would further suppress freedoms and violations against civilians in Houthi-controlled areas.


On Thursday evening, the Omani delegation departed from Sanaa two days after they arrived from the Saudi capital, Riyadh. The two delegations traveled to Riyadh last week and negotiated with Saudi officials over ending the nine-year war in Yemen. Informed sources told media outlets that progress had been made on sticking points, including the timetable for withdrawing foreign forces from the country and the public sector salary payments mechanism. The two sides are expected to meet for further talks after the consultations "soon."


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Wednesday that the time has come to the Yemen conflict. In an interview with Fox News, he stated, "We don't want trouble from Yemen; it's time to seize the opportunity to end the conflict." He mentioned that Yemen has experienced the longest period of ceasefire, emphasizing that the opportunity exists to end the conflict. Saudi Arabia intervened militarily in Yemen in 2015, leading a military coalition in support of the UN-recognized government.


Saudi Arabia's border guards in Jazan thwarted an attempt to smuggle 274 kg of qat into the Kingdom on Wednesday, Saudi media reported on Thursday. Qat leaves are chewed for their stimulant effects, which are less intense than those caused by cocaine or methamphetamine.