University Staff Strike in South Yemen Enters Third Week, No Solution Made

News Agencies | 2023-10-03 08:13 PM UTC
University Staff Strike in South Yemen Enters Third Week, No Solution Made


Four university unions representing faculty and staff members of universities in Lahj, Abyan, and Shabwa carried out their fourth protest in front of Maashiq Palace's gate in Aden in South Yemen. The protesters stated that escalatory steps and further rallies would follow this protest. The protestors called for the immediate release of financial dues and demanded a salary raise to match the rising cost of living. Academics and staff members of universities in Aden, Lahij, Abyan, and Shabwa in the southern part of the country declared a comprehensive strike and stopped work at universities on September 12, demanding salary increases, bonuses, and other demands.


The Houthi authorities in Sanaa have prevented a Yemenia plane from taking off from Sanaa Airport to compel the national airline to reverse its decision on suspending flights from Sanaa Airport to Amman. A Yemeni government official told Arab News on Monday that the Houthis seized a plane en route to Yemen's southern port city of Aden, shortly after the company announced that it would suspend the only international flight from Sanaa Airport due to the Houthis' ban on the use of its funds in Sanaa-based banks.


On Tuesday, 48 local and international organizations stated that millions of Yemenis are struggling to survive in the face of a 300 percent increase in food costs. Organizations, including Oxfam, Save the Children, the Danish Refugee Council, and other Yemeni organizations, released a joint statement. The statement noted that the Yemeni economy is on the brink of collapse, with rising inflation rates and deteriorating public services in government-controlled areas, which are exacerbating the suffering of thousands of families. The statement called for urgent measures to address the deteriorating economic crisis, urging the conflicting parties to cooperate and respond to the needs of Yemenis and regularly pay public sector salaries at the national level.


International Transport Workers' Federation has called on the Houthi group to lift restrictions on the funds of Yemeni Airways. This call comes after Yemeni Airways suspended flights from Sanaa to Jordan after the Houthis froze the company's funds in banks in Sanaa.International Transport Workers' Federation conveyed this message to Houthi leader Mahdi al-Mashat,  the head of the "Supreme Political Council. It also urged the Houthi group to release the funds of Yemeni Airways, halt any unlawful claims, and keep the company's activities neutral to meet the humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people.


Israeli communications minister Shlomo Karhi has appeared in a video promising his official visit to Saudi Arabia will bring peace between the two countries closer. In a historic moment for diplomacy, an official high-ranking Israeli delegation led by Karhi arrived in Saudi Arabia on Monday. "We'll bring peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia closer," Karhi says in the video posted on social media platform X.