War on Journalism Continues in Yemen

Sheba Intelligence | 2024-01-02 10:45 AM UTC


The media work in Yemen continues to be a risky field as the warring sides keep committing violations against journalists and media workers. Throughout 2023, 54 violations against media freedoms were documented in several Yemeni provinces. Despite the halt of the war since April 2022,  attacks on media personnel have not stopped, and Yemen remains a hostile environment for journalists.

The Yemeni Media Freedoms Observatory said yesterday it documented 54 violations against media freedoms in Yemen in 2023.

The report documented 6 cases of detention, 5 cases of arrest of media workers, 1 case of enforced disappearance, 8 cases of assault, and 10 cases of interrogation and trial of journalists.

Moreover, the report documented 5 cases of deprivation of rights, 8 cases of threats, 6 cases of incitement, 2 cases of preventing journalists from photographing, and 3 cases of violations against media organizations.

The Yemeni government, the Houthi group, and unknown individuals were the perpetrators of violations against journalists and media professionals, according to the report. The government committed 28 violations, and the Houthi group was responsible for 18. Unknown persons committed seven violations, and an influential figure in Sanaa committed one violation.

The report mentioned the provinces where violations against media workers were committed. It said 11 violations were committed in Marib city, 15 in Sanaa, seven in Hadramout, and 9 in Aden. Moreover, six violations were reported in Taiz, two in Ibb, and four in other provinces.

In 2022, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate reported that  49 Yemeni media members had been murdered since 2011. According to Reporters Without Borders’ global press freedom rankings, Yemen presently ranks 168 out of 180 countries. Reporters Without Borders says funding is provided to media outlets loyal to the authorities, businessmen, religious leaders, or politicians. Journalists without affiliation with political and military groups find it difficult to exercise their jobs.


No. of violations against media in 2023

Yemeni government


Houthi group


Unknown persons