WFP to Reduce Food Aid in Yemen By End of September

News Agencies | 2023-08-28 06:37 PM UTC
WFP to Reduce Food Aid in Yemen By End of September


The World Food Program (WFP) will stop providing food and cash aid in Yemen by September due to severe funding shortages. The WFP said in a tweet on the "X" platform on Monday, "We are facing a critical situation due to the lack of sufficient funding to ensure the smooth continuity of our operations. From the end of September 2023, we will have to cut cash and food aid." Millions of Yemenis rely on local and international organizations to receive food assistance.


Yemen's Foreign Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak arrived in Qatar on Sunday to boost bilateral relations amid global efforts to reach a permanent truce in Yemen. Bin Mubarak is scheduled to meet Qatar's Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, to discuss ways to enhance the two countries' relations, reported Yemen's state media. Since 2015, Yemen has been beset by a deadly war between the Yemeni government and the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group.


Egypt's Ambassador to Yemen, Ahmed Farouk, said Egypt is introducing new measures to assist Yemeni nationals in Egypt following his meeting with the President of Yemen's Presidential Leadership Council Rashad Al-Alimi. The discussions revolved around enhancing bilateral relations and facilitating the entry and stay of Yemenis in Egypt. A government source said last year that the number of Yemenis in Egypt exceeded 800,000 in 2020.

Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, head of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), commended Monday the government's approval of the establishment of a joint communications company between Yemen's Public Telecommunications Corporation and the Emirati company "NX" to provide mobile and Internet communications services. This stance comes following the Yemeni parliament's call on the government to cancel the partnership agreement with the Emirati company, describing it as a breach of the country's constitution.

On Monday, Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry discussed developments on the Yemeni crisis with Hans Grundberg, the UN envoy to Yemen, said an Egyptian official source. According to the source, Shoukry affirmed Cairo's commitment to supporting the role of the UN in Yemen and the efforts to reach a political solution and alleviate the humanitarian situation in Yemen. The envoy appreciated the efforts of Egypt at the political and humanitarian levels.