Who Are the Aid Workers Kidnapped in Yemen?

Sheba Intelligence | 2023-08-30 05:20 PM UTC


Sheba Intelligence obtained new information about the identity of the foreign aid workers who were kidnapped in Yemen on August 28. The two are employees of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Yemen.

Sources from the MSF said the abductees are Peter Rowland, director of primary health in the organization, a German national. The second is Han Zhen Tun, director of Development and Education at MSF. She holds Myanmar nationality.

A local source said that the security apparatuses accused ten gunmen of carrying out three kidnappings of international organizations’ workers to obtain ransom money, especially after they successfully got millions of dollars from abducting a Doctors Without Borders delegation on March 5, 2022.

The source added, “The security forces thwarted an attempt to kidnap the International Organization for Migration (IOM) delegation on December 9, 2022, thanks to their coordination with the security authorities. Two soldiers were killed in a clash with armed men who attempted to kidnap the IOM delegation.

According to the source, the local authorities in Marib will oblige international organizations to notify the security apparatus of the movements of their delegations to protect them and not expose them to financial extortion by armed gangs.