Yemen FM Says Houthi Demands Hinder Peace

News Agencies | 2023-08-30 07:54 PM UTC
Yemen FM Says Houthi Demands Hinder Peace


Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak said on Tuesday that the current peace efforts, led by the United Nations, with the help of Saudi Arabia and Oman, focus on reopening air and sea ports and the roads to Taiz city. He accused the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group of hindering Peace efforts, saying the group keeps raising more difficult demands to prolong the crisis in Yemen. He added, "The [Houthis] don't care about the people's suffering, and they only focus on their narrow interests."


Head of the Presidential Leadership Council, Reashad Al-Alimi, discussed a comprehensive negotiation process with UN Envoy Grundberg in Aden, the state-run media reported on Wednesday. The Yemeni officials and the UN envoy discussed efforts to resolve military, humanitarian, economic, and political issues. Grundberg informed Al-Alimi about local and regional efforts to resume the political process in Yemen.


Riyadh will host the first Expo Expo conference outside of the US in September, state news agency SPA reported. Under the supervision of Saudi Conventions and Exhibitions General Authority (SCEGA), the conference will be organized by the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE). More than 100 exhibitors are expected to participate.


US Ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Vaghn, arrived on Wednesday at Sayun International Airport in Hadhramaut province in eastern Yemen, a day after the arrival of a US military force to the city. According to local sources, the US ambassador is expected to hold talks with the local authorities in Hadhramaut to discuss the latest developments in the country and the priorities of American developmental and humanitarian support to Yemen.


In the first half of 2024, the UAE witnessed a 17.1% increase in non-oil foreign trade, totaling 1.239 trillion dirhams ($337.38 billion), Emirati media reported on Wednesday. Advancements in non-oil exports propelled the surge in non-oil trade. This data was announced by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Prime Minister, Vice President of the UAE, and Ruler of Dubai, in a tweet on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.